The denial tools will make it much easier to understand why eMedNY denied your claim and what you need to do to correct it.
To view your denials for the last 30 days select the Denials tab.

MedBatch will default to displaying the number of claims in a Denied status with dates of service within the last 30 days. The grid will be sorted by the eMedNY denial code with the denied dollar amount in the Balance field.
Denial = The denial code received from eMedNY
#Claims = The number of claims within the selected date range that are in a denied status for that denial
Balance = The total of unpaid dollars on the claims with that error code in the selected date range
Clicking the link in the Balance column will redirect you to the Claims tab with the claims that comprised the Balance you selected displayed. This will identify the claims with the selected error.
The bottom of the Denials tab displays two graphs; providing a quick and easy breakout of dollars received versus dollars denied in a graph.
The donut graph displays the denial codes for the selected time period to give you a quick summary of your denial break down. Clicking on the denial code link will open the eMedNY error description from their Error Search Tool.

If you have any further questions regarding error codes and descriptions:
For NYS Providers
- Contact eMedNY at 1-800-343-9000
Related Articles:
How to Find Denial Error Codes
How to Address a Denied Claim
How to Tell What Didn’t Get Paid
How Do I Edit Claims?
Key Terms:
Denied, Denials, Denial Error Code, Batch Filter, Batch History, Claims Grid, Errors