How to Add Trips to Routes in RoutingBox Web

After Route Profiles have been created, you can then add trips that belong in that Route. There are a couple ways to accomplish this.

From Route Builder

From the Operations menu, open Route Builder

Select the name of the Route you'd like to begin working with. Note: this field is searchable.

Select filtering options that will apply to the trips you'd like to add into this route (date & account) to help you find the trips in the Unrouted Trips section.

Begin adding the trips from the Unrouted Trips section that belong to this route by clicking the "+" button. 

Note: The trips that appear in this section will be filtered out based upon the settings you have on the Route Profile as well as the Filter options you selected above. If you are not finding specific trips, check the settings of your Route Profile

If the order of a stop needs to be adjusted, you can do so by clicking on the stop time and editing as needed. The stops will automatically reorder chronologically. 

Remove trips by selecting the "-" symbol.  If you want to remove all the trips from the Route, select the 3 line menu next to Search and then the Action of "Remove All Trips"

Other Actions include:

  • Suggest Stop Times which can automatically adjust the stop times of the trips based on an anchor stop you select and then the travel times needed for all of the other stops. For this to function optimally, make sure the system setting of  `AUTO_LATE_DETECTION` is enabled.
  • Export Stops which exports a CSV of the trip information of those stops in the Route

After all trips have been added, select the Apply Changes button. If this should apply to repeat trips moving forward, ensure "Apply to Repeat" is toggled on. 

From Trip Scheduler

When opening up the full trip details in trip scheduler, you can manually assign the route by using the drop down found here: