Claims submitted through MedBatch are subject to the eMedNY cycle calendar. Weekly pay cycles end on Wednesday each week, but we recommend submitting claims each Tuesday to be sure payment is timely.
To bill claims, you must first import them into the MedBatch Claims grid from MAS. Contact Customer Success to learn about the MAS Auto Importer option!
Select the Date range you'd like to import claims for using the Claims From and Claims To fields. Note that a maximum of 10 days can only be imported at a time.
Make sure the Data Source is set to MAS Claims and press the green download button.
Choose Yes at the download prompt and wait for the progress bar to clear off the screen. When the import has finished a prompt will display the number of claims that were successfully downloaded.
Once claims have been imported, right click in the grid and choose Check All Billable from the menu. Any claims with errors will need to be edited before they can be billed. Press the Bill Claims button to bill your claims out.