How to Post Payments in RoutingBox

RoutingBox allows you to post payments for Accounts or Account Classes to keep track of payments that have been received. 

Navigate to the Billing tab, then select the Posting icon.

All required fields are identified with an asterisk*.

To Post by Account Class:

1. Check the Account Class box.
2. From the drop-down, select the correct Class.
3. Enter the Reference#, Amount of Payment, Payment Date, Posted Date, and Method of Payment. Payment Date and Posted Date default to the date you are posting payments for, but can be adjusted.  Method defaults to Check, but can be adjusted. 

**Once this is completed go to step 4 below.

To Post by Account:

1. Check the Account box.
2. Enter the correct Account into the Account field.
3. Enter the Reference#, Amount of Payment, Payment Date, Posted Date, and Method of Payment. Payment Date and Posted Date default to the date you are posting payments for, but can be adjusted.  Method defaults to Check, but can be adjusted.

Once you have entered the payment information you will need to add the trips that are being paid to the grid.

4. Go to the Select Trips tab.
5. Use the available filters to display trips in the grid. You can choose from Post by Trip ID, Invoice#, Date Range, Client Name, Member#, or Unpaid Status.  After you have entered the necessary filters, add trips by pressing the corresponding Add to Grid button.  Available trips will display in the grid. 

6. Go back to the Posting tab.
7. The To Apply column will automatically populate if the default Settings are selected. You can manually adjust the amount of payment received for each trip.
8. Select the Post Payments button to apply the payments to each trip.

The Load Check button will allow you to load a previous check that has been posted to either review or add payments.  Enter the information for the check you would like to review in the Check Info box and press the Load Check button.  The Clear Grid button will clear out any trips that are currently in the grid.