How to use the Tracker Audit

The Tracker Audit is a good way to export and share GPS location data from a driver on a certain date in the past.

To view GPS location data from a date in the past, click the Operations tab.

Next, click the little down arrow under the Tracker icon, and choose Audit; as shown below.

Adjust your date and click Refresh to see the trip data in the grid.

You can filter by a specific driver using the Assignment dropdown, or leave it to show All drivers.

Trip data can be narrowed down by Account too.

Trips without location data will only show if the box to "Include Trips Without Location" is checked.

Once all filters are set, click Refresh.

Columns in Tracker Audit Grid

Distance in Feet - how far away the location ping was from the PU or DO location

Assignment - the driver assignment for that trip

External ID - the trip ID used by the broker to identify the trip

Time - the scheduled time of the trip

Actual Time - the actual time the trip status was recorded by the driver

Latitude and Longitude - GPS data from the trip. If the trip was recorded as a No Show, there will be one trip line item in the grid. For Completed trips, 2 trip lines will show; one for the PU location and one for the DO location.

Map icon - click to view the vehicle’s position when the trip was updated on the driver app in comparison to the trip’s pickup and dropoff addresses

Globe icon - click to view the assignment’s entire activity for the day on the Tracker History Map

To Export GPS Location Data from Tracker Audit

In order to export the data from the Tracker Audit grid, hover your mouse in the bottom right corner of the window to get the the green Export to Excel icon to appear, as shown below.

(note, this icon is only visible when the mouse is hovering over that area of the grid.)