How to Fully Uninstall RoutingBox & MedBatch

Occasionally, uninstalling and reinstalling RoutingBox and/or MedBatch is necessary to resolve an issue

This help article lays out all of the steps necessary for a complete uninstall of RoutingBox or MedBatch if you're experiencing trouble opening either program.


1. To uninstall a program in Windows, we'll first want to click on the Start menu icon and then click Settings


2. Click on Apps



3. Scroll down in the list of Apps & Features until to find RoutingBox (or MedBatch). Select it and click UninstallNote: If you do not see the program in this list then it is not currently installed and you should skip to step 



4. In the window that opens next, select the option to Remove the application from this computer and click OK


5. After the program is removed it will disappear from the list.  At this point you can attempt to reinstall the applications by following the instructions found here:

If the reinstall fails, continue troubleshooting by following the Delete Hidden Files section below:


Delete Hidden Files

1. If you continue to receive an error message, try deleting the hidden files. To do this, first we need to make sure that we are viewing hidden files. 

2. Open the File Explorer in Windows (typically shown as a folder icon Folder in the menu bar), in the window that opens click the View tab and then check "Hidden items" in the Show/Hide section.

3.Open this path in Windows: This PC> Local Disk (C:) > Users > User (this is the name of the user logged into the computer) > AppData > Local > Apps > 2.0.


4. Right click and delete the 2.0 folder.

5. Once the hidden files are deleted, repeat the Uninstall/Reinstall steps above.